Interactive website: 101 examples of how Charters of Human Rights make our lives better

No matter who we are or where we are, our lives are better when we all treat each other with fairness and respect and when we can all enjoy our rights and freedoms. Charters of Human Rights promote respect for human rights and give people power to take action if their rights are breached.

The 101 cases set out on this website highlight the benefits of the Charters of Rights that exist in the ACT, Victoria and Queensland. They also highlight the need for a national Charter of Rights, as well as Charters in states and territories which do not yet have them: New South Wales, Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

Check out the website by clicking here to learn about the inspiring ways people to use Charters where they exist in Australia; and to join with others in calling for a national Charter and Charters in every state and territory.


New report exposes lack of human rights consideration by Federal Parliament


ACT Government’s commitment to strengthening Human Rights Act a welcome step