Case 7: Parents with a disability use human rights arguments to keep their family together

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The Queensland Benevolent Society, a charity which supports people with a disability, children, families, older Australians and carers, has used the Queensland Human Rights Act to advocate for their clients. In one case, the Benevolent Society successfully used the Human Rights Act to assist a couple with disabilities to avoid losing custody of their child. The Benevolent Society advocated for the parents to be treated and evaluated fairly in relation to their ability to raise a child. The family were supported to build practical and parenting skills and their child was not removed from their care.

Source: The First Annual Report on the Operation of Queensland’s Human Rights Act 2019-20, p. 114


Case 6: Office of the Public Guardian helps children to raise human rights arguments about their placement


Case 8: Unreasonable delay led to charges being dismissed